August 25, 2008

A big first and other things

Today was the first time I have ever taken David and Alex to the pediatrician by myself. I was nervous because I usually have someone with me or I leave one of the babies at home.
Everything went fine. David was really good and held my hand and then he played really well while we waited for the dr. to come in. Alex just wanted to be held the whole time so she was pretty easy to contain. This might sound really dumb since my kids are almost 1 and 2 but today is the first time I really felt like I could do this without looking or feeling like a frazzled mess. Not to say that I won't have those days but any time I think about just getting the kids out by myself I think twice about it and stay home or get someone to go with me because I am scared that I will lose control of them in public or that I will look completely incompetent as a mother. (wow, the last 3 lines were a little hard to write down and admit out loud).
We have a lot of noise going on at our house right now because Jon and my dad have started building our deck. I am trying to take pictures along the way so I can show the progress when I blog about the finished product. So far they have the basic framing for the different sections finished and this afternoon they worked on getting the posts for the covering put in place. It's starting to take shape!
Alex is now sick with the virus David had. She sounds so much worse than he did though. She has lost her voice so she makes these high pitched sounds that are kind of like a dog whimper but her cough sounds like a seal bark because she has croup. It is really sad! I just want to hold her.
I went to Women of Faith over the weekend with Peggy. We had so much fun! The speakers really challenged me but they were all comical. I haven't laughed (or cried) that much in a while.
I didn't take very many pics this week so I am not going to post any this time, but I am going to post a really touching story that Patsy Clairmont shared during the WOF conference. Blessings!

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