September 22, 2008

Happy Birthday David!

Wow! I can't believe my little boy is 2! He is so active and full of life I just have to smile and laugh every time I look at him. He had so much fun at his party on Saturday. He opened all of his presents with "oh cool!" or "Wow!". It didn't matter what it was, all of it was worth an exclamation! He got some cool bath toys, a basketball goal, a tool bench, and lots of other great things. My parents gave him a Mr. Potato head and he has carried it everywhere with him today and Alex tries to get as many of the pieces in her hands as she can carry and then run away with them. Oh and Aunt Katie and Uncle Phillip gave him hulk hands and he is hilarious with them. I will try to get a good video and post it later. Thank you for all of David's gifts!!
We took him to Gatti Land on Sunday and he ran around from one thing to the next. We didn't need to spend any money, he had a blast just watching all of the lights and moving parts!
I have video and pictures from the weekend so I will stop writing and get to the good stuff.

1 comment:

Carri said...

Your kiddos are SO cute!!! I am glad that you are good at taking pictures. I REALLY need to start taking more of the boys! So, glad that I found you!!!!