February 24, 2009

Lent...but why?

I had several people approach me in college about observing Lent. I didn't even know what it was at the time and I am ashamed to say but I thought it sounded kind of lame. So I didn't observe it and really didn't think about it again. But last year I stumbled across a friends blog and she had written about Lent and her decision to fast from a couple of things in her life that she felt were eating into her ability to spend time with God. What she wrote caused me to do quite a bit of research on Lent, what it is, and why it is observed. I then observed Lent last year for the first time and it really changed my view of Easter. I have been trying to decide exactly what I would fast from this year and I threw a couple of ideas out to a friend of mine and she asked me why I felt the need to observe a Catholic holiday. That is actually what prompted me to write this post, to explain why I choose to observe Lent and why I think it is so powerful.
Lent is supposed to be a time to focus on Christ and his suffering.
D. Maddalena says on his website, "Jesus took our place on the cross to appease God's righteous anger. He went alone to be punished: separated from God and deserted by his friends. The drama of how this happened is the story of Lent. ... Before the Resurrection comes crucifixion; before crucifixion comes prosecution; before prosecution comes betrayal, doubt, fear, rebellion, and sin. Lent helps us experience our part in the suffering of Jesus." Lent is designed to mirror the 40 days that Jesus spent in the wilderness being tempted. It gives us the opportunity to fast from something/s in our lives that will help us refocus or minds on Christ. What is so great is that when you deny yourself of something for 40 days and you spend time really focusing on Christ and the anguish he experienced leading up to his death, you have a whole new perspective on how joyful Easter truly is! Last year was the first time I felt like I really understood the relief and joy of Christ's resurrection and the true purpose of Easter because I had focused so much on his experience and spent so much time with Him.
This year I am going to fast from two things. The first is Internet specifically blogging and facebook. I spend a lot of time on these two things and honestly many days I spend too much time on them. I will focus on spending more time in prayer and reading my Bible instead. The second thing I am fasting from is sweets. This might sound trivial but I find myself eating them all the time! If they are in my house I eat them and I don't have very much restraint. I know my body belongs to God so I am trying to focus on having a healthy temple for Him to dwell in.
I like what D. Maddalena writes, "
We are more comfortable with the joy and celebration of Easter than with the darkness that preceded it. But Lent is a chance to remember the dark before the dawn, the sin that sent Jesus to the cross. In the Orthodox Church, Lent is called the season of Bright Sadness, because it is a time of both celebration and mourning."
This is so true. I mourn that Christ had to die for my sins yet I celebrate with extreme joy that he did and that I am now saved!!
I pray you all have a reflective Lent season and I will post again after Easter.
In Him,

February 18, 2009

My Amazing Husband!

The kids and I went to Abilene for the weekend to visit my grandparents and give Jon time to paint our living room. When I walked in the door yesterday I could not believe what I saw!! Jon had not only painted our living room, but also the entire entry way and down the hall to our room, the small bit of kitchen we didn't paint red, and he put a new color in David's room. He left me a really sweet note that said why he had decided to take on such a huge project and it came down to just wanting to see me smile. I cried because it made me feel so special and it was such a surprise. All of the colors look great too!
Thanks sweetie, I love you!

Here are a few pictures from the past couple of weeks...

They both fell asleep while Sarah and I were walking.

Watching TV with Daddy.

Grandpa needs a bigger lap!

She loves corn on the cob!

David's big boy room!