December 14, 2008


Breckenridge was Fabulous!! We had been there once before but it was summer. It was so gorgeous with all of the snow and Christmas decorations everywhere. They also have really great skiing. Jon skied 4 days and I skied 3 days. They have really wide runs and most of their blues are more like greens in other places I have skied so it was really fun. It snowed 4 of the days we were there so we had fresh powder on Tuesday and Friday. We also played a lot of pool and gin/rummy. We had a really good time just being together with nothing else to worry about, but we really really missed the kids. By Wednesday we were ready to get home and see them. It was great walking through the door and having them climb into our arms saying Mommy!, Daddy! I almost cried! I won't be leaving them for that long until they are a lot older.
On Sunday, David fell off of our bed and hit his head pretty hard on my nightstand. It was bleeding but once I got it cleaned up I could see it wasn't too bad but he was acting a little lethargic so I called the dr. and she had us watching him for a concussion for the rest of the day and night. So we made the mistake of letting him sleep with us Sunday night. He really liked that and now thinks it should happen every night. As I write this, he has been in his bed screaming for almost an hour. I have gone in once to rock him and calm him down and all he did was point at the door and say mommy bed, mommy bed. I hate it because he sounds so different from his other cries. This is broken hearted sobbing!! UGH! Breaks my heart too!
Alex on the other hand loves her sleep! When she is ready to go to bed she will go find a pacifier and her blanket and curl up with it on the floor or she will bring it to you and curl up in your lap. She never cries when we put her down. On a different not, her hair is becoming insane! She has these masses of curls that just stick straight out of her head in the back and sometimes straight up on top of her head too. If you comb them , they are frizzy, so I just let them go and she has this cute wild mane of curls! She also has all 4 I-teeth coming in right now so that makes 16 teeth for this kid.
David is talking in 2 and 3 word sentences quite a bit now. His little voice is so cute so I could listen to him talk all day! I love it when he asks for raisins or chocolate because he says those words in such a funny way. The other thing that cracks me up is he doesn't call Alex by her name. Somewhere along the way he picked up on sister so that is what he calls her, "ister" He asked me several times today "Where's ister, where is she?" I thought that was so funny!
My mom just called and told me that the Star Telegram had been at the mall when they took the kids to see Santa last Friday. Well, she just looked on the front page of the star telegram online and there is a video of several kids with santa. My kids are on the front picture that advertises the video and they are SCREAMING! They are in the video too for a few seconds so I am going to link to it for everyone to see.

Click here for Santa video.

December 4, 2008

Wow its December!

Hi all!
I haven't posted much because the holidays are definitely here! I can't believe it is already December. We had a great Thanksgiving and I hope everyone else did as well. I haven't stopped listening to Christmas music since last Thursday. I LOVE all of my Christmas albums!! Peggy, Katie, Ryan, and I went to the Casting Crowns Christmas concert and it was so good. They have such an amazing ability to tell a story and Natalie Grant was there too so that made for a fabulous time!
I feel like a total recluse with my friends so if I haven't talked to you in a while I am sorry! I promise I will catch up when we get back from Breckenridge. We leave tomorrow afternoon and we won't be back until next Sunday. Until then, love and blessings!!

This is her new hiding place to get away from David...between the wall and the refrigerator.

I know I have already posted a picture of her all messy but I just thought this was hilarious!

November 24, 2008


Last week I had more than one person point out to me that I am sick a lot. I hadn't really thought about it, but I guess I am. In all honesty it has been that way most of my life. I had lots of allergy problems when I was younger and then as I got older I just seemed to get everything that went around plus a few weird things thrown in. Now, since my last pregnancy I feel like I have had one thing after another. Severe joint pain, mono, stomach bugs, a lupus scare, and most recently a sinus infection. All of this is to just say I am really sick of being sick! I have upped my dosage of vitamin C and I am exercising more but I want to know what everyone else does to stay healthy? I do not want to keep getting the "your sick all the time" comment. So I really do want to know from everyone how you keep yourself healthy, because apparently I am doing something wrong.

November 18, 2008

WTGC and other occurences

On Wednesday I went to the airport to pick up Peggy from her world travels. I took David with me because he refused to go to bed. We arrived at the airport around 10:40 and David found it fascinating, especially the luggage carousel. Then he was still wide awake when we got home around 11:30, and I do mean wide awake!
We took the kids to the Dallas zoo on Friday. It is no where near as good as the Ft. Worth zoo. Not as many animals and most of the habitats were pretty pathetic. They had a fun children's area though and Alex and David both got to ride a horse. Peggy and I decided it was not worth the money so we will not be going back.
Jenelle and I went to the Rapha House open house at Karen's. There is some really great jewelry so if you get a chance you should check it out. Then we went to eat dinner and discovered two of our favs are now open... Jason's Deli and FIREHOUSE!!!!!!! We were SO dissappointed that Firehouse was already closed for the night but we ate at Jason's Deli and it was very yummy!
Saturday I headed to Abilene for the West Texas Girl's Conference. There were 5 middle school girls and another sponser. It was fun getting to know Sharon (the other sponsor), we talked the whole way there and back. The conference was really good! The girls had a lot of fun going to classes and worshiping together. The theme this year was "Love me for me" and it was a great reminder that God created each of us with a purpose and that he loves us just the way he created us. Christa Black performed on Saturday night and she was fabulous! I had never heard of her before, but I left a fan.
Sunday night was a special night. I had my girl's small group over and my friend Wendy came and brought Ancsa. She is from Hungary and has had a lot of hardship in her 15 years. She became a Christian over the summer and she is getting to visit the US for 3 weeks. It was really neat watching the girls talk to her and include her. We brought her gifts and took pictures so she would have a memorable experience and hopefully we can stay in contact with her once she goes home.
While I was hanging out with youth group girls all weekend, Jon started hanging Christmas lights. I was able to get out of it because Brock volunteered to take my place (THANK YOU!) Grandma and Grandpa kept the kids all weekend and apparently found a great new playground! I missed the kids a ton and this made me realize how hard it is going to be to leave them for 10 days!! I know we will be having a blast in Breckenridge, but I am sure I will miss my babies terribly.
Here are pictures from the week. Blessings!
David with all of my scarves

Girl's Small Group with Wendy and Ancsa

WTGC - The girls with Christa Black

Sliding at the zoo

Riding the horse (she looks precarious, but there are people on each side of the horse) She hated the ride btw...

Toothy smile!

David and Grandma

David loved the horse!

November 9, 2008

Busy Week

I packed a lot of things into the past 8 days so here goes...
Last Saturday Jon got outside and made a big stand that fits on top of our entertainment center and holds all of our snow villages. Then he brought it in and set the whole thing up. It looks fabulous! Then Kevin, Laura, and the boys came over for dinner. I didn't get any pictures of the kids playing together but they were cute. I tried a new twist to a cake recipe and Landon made my night by taking a bite and exclaiming, "Erin, this absolutely could never be a bad cake!"
Then on Sunday I brought my high school girls small group to our house. My kiddos loved them and the candy they brought with them!
Tuesday I went to the dermatologist again and he feels pretty confident now that he doesn't need to test for lupus and that I just have severe rosacia and dermatitis or something like that. Everything he has given me is making a huge difference with my face and I don't feel like I am sunburned all of the time. After the dr. I met Sarah and Brooks at Hobby Lobby and we went shopping for Laura's shower.
Wednesday night I went to Laura's to make more bows. We didn't get any made, but we did get several strands of korker ribbon made. Then on the way home from her house I was pulled over not once, but twice because Jon's tail light was out. He got that fixed on Thursday morning :).
Thursday night we had small group at the Woods house so we got all of their ski equipment to borrow for our trip. Yeah!! They are saving us tons! Thank You!
Friday morning I packed the kids up and met Heather, Karen, Matt, and Trish at the zoo with their kiddos. It was packed with kids on field trips and I realized I was out numbered with my two children. They both wanted out of the wagon but Alex just ran off and David didn't want to move from exhibit to exhibit, so we had several meltdowns! Karen tried to help but that made Jack really upset. So I learned that I still can't go anywhere by myself with the kids! Friday night all of the hostesses for Laura's shower met at my house and we made all of the food and decorations. It was so much fun!
Saturday morning Jon and I packed up the kids and went to Weatherford for a family reunion for my Grandmother's side of the family. I didn't really know anyone other than my immediate relatives but it was fun. There was a great playground there and the kids had a blast running around and especially sliding. Alex has NO fear! She climbed to the top of the big twisty slide by herself and then didn't even hesitate to slide down. It took David 10 minutes of climbing up and down the stairs to get up the courage to actually slide down.
Today was the shower and it was so pretty! Laura looked great and she got a lot of really cute things. Kallie and Kaitlyn will be the best dressed little girls around!
That pretty much sums up my week so I will post the visual aides. Blessings!

Girl's Small Group

David trying out my new snow boots

Seriously preggo goat!

Where's Alex?

There She is!

Grandmother and Alex

Papaw and me

Grammy and David

Starting to feed herself!

Diaper Cakes


October 31, 2008

Happy Halloween!

Tonight was a great night! Grammy and Pops came to see the kids and Jeremy, Holly, and Luke came over to trick or treat with us. We had dinner together and then we loaded the kids up and headed to the fall festival in our neighborhood. Then we walked around for a while from house to house. David had a blast! He loved going into the garages that were really decked out. He only acted scared once. He just ran around carrying his treat bag and saying "tri-tree" (trick or treat). Several people had a fit over their pebbles and bam bam ensemble as well. As long as Alex had a sucker in her mouth she was content to go wherever we wanted! When we got home and my mom was getting her ready for bed we realized she was covered in black fuzzies from her shirt because she was SO sticky. Hopefully my children will not wake up with sugar hangovers...
After the trick or treating we all came back to the house and ate candied apples on the deck and watched the kids run around and play. Then we sat around the fire pit talking for a while until everyone had to go home. Just a great time all the way around!
On a completely different note... David has started using the big boy potty! He acted like he wanted to use the kiddie potty at the Hanks last night so I let him and he actually used it. Then today I asked him if he wanted to go tee tee in the potty and he got up and went to the bathroom and then he went! He did this 3 times today! I had no idea he was so ready to start potty training but I am so proud of him!
I hope everyone had a great Halloween and I will end with fun pics from the night.

Layers of candy and chocolate all over his face

Relaxing with Pops

yummy candy!

Note the sucker in her mouth...

sucker in hand...

Another sucker...

Jeremy found a friend!

Grammy figured someone should be using the wagon...

Cute family pic!

another sucker in her mouth!

Anxiously awaiting her first sucker of the evening..

Sweet little Luke Skywalker!

October 28, 2008

Pumpkin patch (second try), trunk of treats, and stuff in between

In hopes that I will lose the rest of my baby weight, I have started walking with Sarah. We load the kiddos up in our matching strollers (except mine is double and hers is a single) and we head out. So far it is working out great, I get exercise and social time!
We didn't get very good pictures the first time we went to the pumpkin patch, so we went back on a weekday morning when it was a LOT less crowded. We ended up with some really cute pictures this time and the kids had a blast! Alex LOVES bounce houses. David likes them too but Alex just laughs and smiles the whole time she is in one and she has no fear! I ran into a friend from school (Ashley Hall) while I was there that I haven't talked to in probably 6 years. She and her husband have adopted 5 kids and plan to adopt more in the future. It was really neat talking to her about how they got the kids and everything. I would love to adopt too so she turned me to several places to start researching and praying over.
I went to Laura's for some more bow making. I didn't get home until 1:15am. I spent most of my time making a butterfly clip that I don't even like very much! Oh well, now I know how to do it so I can make a cuter one and this time it should go faster.
Grandma came to stay with us for a couple of days so we could make the kids Halloween costumes and to spend time with us before she left for Europe. David is Bam-Bam and Alex is Pebbles for halloween and their costumes turned out really cute! Thankfully Peggy was here because David and I both got sick so she took care of us, made two costumes, made the casseroles and dessert for our small group, and got all of my laundry done. I don't know what I would have done without her!
Saturday I went to Grapevine to go to Canton in the City and shop the cute stores on Main st. I realize I am a sucker for boutique clothing for Alex. I can't afford it, so she doesn't get any of it, but I love it all!! So I have decided i have to learn how to sew because I want to make little girl clothes!!
Then we went to Trunk of Treats on Saturday night at our church. It was fun watching David do some of the games this year but he mostly wanted to just run around in the parking lot. We left early because Jon and Peggy both started feeling sick. They both ended up with what David and I had.
So Grammy and Pops took care of David on Sunday and I took Alex with me to help Grandma get packed so she wouldn't have to worry about it while she was sick. Then we came back and took care of Daddy (he was really sick, poor thing!).
Everyone is better now and I have been changing sheets and lysoling everything this morning in hopes that Alex will not catch it.
I have lots of pictures from the week so I will let you get to the good stuff. Blessings!!